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The primary goal of the Hebrew Bible session is to foster study and interaction in the field, more specifically:
• To promote academic dialogue between scholars in the Pacific Northwest Region.
• To showcase and promote research in the Hebrew Bible.
• To advance the quality of research and writing in the area of Hebrew Bible by mentoring and recommending work for publication.
• To provide mentoring and opportunities for graduate students to present their work to the Hebrew Bible session, thus incorporating new scholars into the greater goals of the SBL.

Yes, we accept paper from students. In order for such papers to be considered, students must submit a full paper not a title with an abstract.

Hebrew Bible

For how long has this unit met?


Do you accept submissions from students?


Who is the chair of your unit?


Is there anything else that you'd like readers to know?


Since the mid 70s



Antonios Finitsis


The Hebrew Bible Unit has hosted three research groups on the topic of Dress and the Hebrew Bible. We have published two volumes with our work and we are currently preparing for publication the third volume.


Pacific Northwest Region of the American Academy of Religion

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